Category Archives: Advice

Feeling pressured? Being told “No, not for this reason.”

no-yesListen. You are your own person. Know one can tell you No. Unless you’re about to do something deadly, illegal or incorrect, which must be proven by facts. Continue reading

Living a better life.


  • Accept from life all it has to offer.
  • Enjoy the benefit without excesses.
  • Share with others gods rich blessing and lead those who cannot see. Avoid arguments pertaining to politics and religion; since they are personal matters that create deep and lasting enmity where none were intended.
  • Never end to a friend or a relative but give generously as life gave to you, since the lender loses money and a friend in the single transaction.
  • Always help those in need for the very real beneficiary is always the giver, never the receiver, as some people believe. At all times do things with love in mind, for when all else fails, true love remains as constant as the wind we feel, but never see.
  • Above all; live life, and live it well; God gave it for that purpose, and leave footprints in the sands of time so that others may find their way as they walk the bumpy road of this painful thing we call ‘life.’